About Law Office of Rosemary Paglia

This is the page where you should describe your law firm and/or attorneys in detail. You should include bios of each attorney working in your firm and the type of law they focus on. If the page becomes too long, you can also create individual pages for each attorney and then link to those pages from here.

NOTE: Data shows that the about page is one of the most popular pages on a website as potential clients want to learn about the firm before they contact you. 

SEO Keywords Tips

When customizing the content on your about page, we recommend you use these keywords below.

  • Family Law Attorneys
  • Immigration Attorneys

Visit our support site to learn more about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Address:414 Brookline Street Newton, MA 02459 Phone:517-501-4808 Fax:617-663-6354

The user should not consider this information to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship and should always seek the advice of competent counsel. This website consists of advertising and promotional materials.